Have you guys facing a problem with your kids always like to play with your refrigerator / fridge. WE DO! Chempaka SANGAT SUKA buat tour & rombongan Cik Kiah kt dalam fridge kitorang..tinjau2 apa yang boleh di makan and digigit sambil dimain..(Aduii! Sebenarnye more to cari bende nak main!) Sometimes I caught her playing Choo Choo Train with my boxes of coconut milk (santan kotak)..Danggggg!...And this is really disturbing & memeningkan ktorng..yelahh..every 10 minutes bukak fridge..Yepp..maybe dia lapar and want to search for a snack to munch-in..tp when we offer nasi or something else inside the fridge i.e fruits..x makan pulak..that's what makes me sometime transform to Incredible Hulk (huh!).
Yang paling merisaukan sy ialah, when she often open-close the fridge, our freezer yang belah atas pon kadang2 terbukak sikit and most of the time ktorng memang x perasan..and ini boleh menyebabkan my EBM mencair & rosak..even blom smp that extend akibat habit si Kakak Chempaka, tapi ia agak merisaukan ktorng especially when we were away for work.
~ Door Safety Lock Clips ~ |
So, sebagai langkah pencegahan, we bought this "DOOR SAFETY LOCK CLIP" and clip it to the fridge's door..Berkesan especially untuk yang upper door (Frozen section) as dia memang x sampai lagi nak bukak..This clip you may purchase @ DAISO for RM5.00/2pcs...murah kan?! At least there is something untuk melambatkan proses pembukaan pintu fridge tersebut...eheheh
~ At the rack @ Daiso ~ |
~ Clip at Fridge Door ~ |
~ Tadaaa..my EBM's safeguard ~ |
Rindu Daiso wehh! Haha. Yang tak bestnya masuk Daiso tu, nampak macam murah bila sampai kaunter berpuluh2 gak keluar. huhu ;p
Hazz..hahaha..sama laa ngn kitorang..suka suki amek sana sini..smp kaunter 50hengget gak kn..ahakss!!
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