~ Happy Birthday Amani & Adriana ~ |
2nd post of the day...Actually want to post this since yesterday, but terbantut gara2 Nuff's Posting pagi tadi.. ;p.. So, another 1st year birthday celebration!! Dis time is TWINS birthday..double celebration..."HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY 2 DOUBLE ALEEYA!! Daughter of my BFF..Ayu & Ochee @ Puchong...Meriahhh..ramai2 baby & kids ari tu..riuh kesana sini...Dah lama x jumpa twins Amani & Adriana...dah besarrrr dah..How time fly soooo fastt!!
The setting was nice...decorate with the banner, lots of ballooonsss with the wall paper background, just blended perfectly!! Sweet with d pinkisshh element on d balloonsss...d twins pon dah di dress-up nicely by her mummy...SOOoOOO CUTEE!! ehehe..1 look like d mummy (Amani-kakak) & d other 1 look like daddy (Adriana-adik)..SANGATTT UNIK!!!
And ada a looott of d twins pictures from their early days decorated & framed around d house..NICE..
~ Chempaka wit d twins ~ |
Mmg susah rupanya nak snap pic babies ni together2..above is d best shot i have..huhuhu..
~ Singing & Blow Candle Time ~ |
~ Chempaka wif Abah ~ |
Almost of the babies & kids was enjoying d balloonns termasuklaaa si kenit Chempaka....ehehe..sgt excited plak dia dapat main balloon nih....view dis video..
~ Enjoying Ballooon Moment ~ |
~ BB Q wuz ere 2! ~ |
~ Party Party ~ |
Tapiiii for me.I really2 loveee d cake...RED VELVET CAKE!!. Yummmyyy sungguhh..huhu..(rugi makan sikit jer ari tu..huhu..)..Xtau nk describe d taste rasa macam mana..yg tau ada rasa butter but d X-Factor maybe d Cream Cheese Topping..lets view the recipe here.. Sebenarnya dulu ada view @ blog MAMA SHILA pasal RVC ni, dah mmg laa terliur....ehehe..sedikit caption dr blog tersebut (Babe, aku pinjam..ehehe).
By definition,
Red Velvet Cupcakes are rich chocolate cupcakes.
They are called red velvet due to their distinctive rich red color.
Originally, cocoa used to be a lighter shade and what gave red velvet cupcakes their unique color was a chemical reaction of unprocessed cocoa with the acid in the buttermilk. Definition from google
Sooooo..next birthday party..bley order dis cake k!!!..hauhuahu....

ala-alahhh.. comelnyer sumer budak2 kecik nih.. chempaka, twins & Q!
aduhai syoknya. rasa mcm kat kids wonderland pulak :)
Q harus lah hadir..! nak pilih calon gf...hihihi~!
Ninie : kecohhh sekampung bila Q semua ada...nnt lain kali Qisya join k..ehe
Lily : Mmg syiokk...riuh sekampung
Awyn : Aku tau Q dh pilih Adriana...dia share kek ari tu
mar..comel betul la chempaka....gram betul tgk..
Congratulations on grand celebration! We also had a great party last week in one of the event venues Chicago. It was my daughter and my husband’s birthday. They share their birthdays and I am the lucky one here. Anyways, these little ones are super-adorable. Happy birthday to the kids!
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