Hari nii nak wat posting kurang kata2...lebey pada gamba...
"Let the Picture Tells the Story"...hahaha...Recap on
1st Birthday Party Chempaka's attending...
BABY Q's 1st YEAR BIRTHDAY...hosted by
AWYN..Birthday party nye back in December hari tu...sekarang bulan 4, rasanya blom lambat saangatt lagi laaa nk upload yer (since bannernye pon masih tergantung kt depan umah time kami melawat last weekend)..eheheh..Masa ni Chempaka baru 5 months old...ehehe..x berapa lasak lagiii....
~ Birthday Boy wif Mummy & Daddy ~ |
~Us..Mana Abah???~ |
DECO sgt ,menarekkkkk, ceria & colourfulll...ehehhe......!!
~ Cute Q's on d Banner!! ~ |
~ Ballooonssss ~ |
~ Tagged with Sesame's Sticker / Label ~ |
FOOD : Ada 2 counter - 1 for kids (cth : muffins, choc dipped marshmallow, nugget, sushi, sosej, cookies, sweets, etc.) & 1 for adults (x berapaaa ingat laa awyn..huhu..ada laksa johor, spaghetti..bla..bla..!!)...Makanann mmg banyakkk variety!!..sgtt sedaapppp especially d homemade sushi (I lioookee!!)
~ D CAKE ~ |
~ Kiddies Food Counter ~ | | | | | | | | |
~ Jar of Cookies, Nuggets, BB Bites ~ |
~ Choc Dipped Marshmallows ~ |
~ Mini Cuppies ~ |
~ Homemade Sushi - Buatan Malaysia ~ |
X-tra : Ada Piñata...dalam nyee ada sweets & candy kot utk kanak2 ribena..so, biasanya Piñata nih akan di gantungkan & kiddos yg beramai2 tu akan pukul Piñata tuh dgn stick (disediakan) smp Piñata tu "pecah perut" & all d sweets & candy tu bertaburan.."Candy Rain"...eheheh.. tp masa Piñata Momento Chempaka dah balikkk...sgt sayangggg..tahunnn depan watt lagiii k..kali ni Chempaka bley involve skali!! Piñata yg Awyn order ni ELMO...sgt laaaaaaaaaa cute!!!
~ Chempaka wif Piñata ~ |
Interesting concept & idea for you to try for your kiddo's upcoming birthday...preparation of this party you may refer
HERE (Awyn..kot2 ada chance kita jadi Party Consultant / Planner..eheh)..
besarnye kek plus memcama ade..meriah sungguh....
Fauzus : Mmg memacammm adaaa..kenyang perut sukaaa hati lerr..,;p
bestnyaaaaa. ni tgh pikir hadif punya 2nd birthday. tatau nak buat cemana. huhu.
Dyana : Bila hadifnyee besdayyy tuh...bestnye..nnt wat pool yg ada bola2 tuh ek..Chemp bley main nnt..;p
mommy chempaka @ cik tengga..thanks for this entry...harap mommy Q nak menules..mmg tak bole harap sgt la kan..hihih..btw aku sgt setuju lah kalo kite nie nak jadi party planner..!! tention keje nie haa..! lets make something that we looiikkee..!! jom2..~!!
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