Ada experience going to any warehouse sale????? Sure ramai yg penah pergi kn...Now, want to share experience regarding this PUREEN WAREHOUSE SALE..(since its coming back!!)...hehhe... Dulu warehouse Pureen ni, me pegi time 7 months pregnant..perot mmg sudah agak boyot time tu...We reach there around 9.30 a.m...We thought we are the "Early Birdiess" (bangun since pukul 7...siap2 nk pegi ni)...@ the advertisement dia time open for public is 10.00 a.m....Tapi yang memeranjatkaaannn......orang dah ramai n sangat laaa packkk....kesiann to my parent especially my mom yg terpaksa bersesakk jugak dgn kami..ehehe...after tunggu dapat bakul...ktorng trus head to clothing section..MAKKK AII...lagiii sesaaaakkk..mmg nmpak orng jer...Price mmg sangattt us yg expecting newborn and mmg nk beli banyak baju basahan mmg sgt berbaloiiii....sooo, our strategy, amek jerrrr ape yg nampak...ehehe...dapat jugaklaaa dlm 20 pasang (sluar, baju & dress...since dah tau bb gurl,,so beli jer laa dress..ehhe)...lagi yg patot anda borong di sini :-
1) Baju2 basahan.....(Sluar bley dpt dlm RM3, Baju sepasang yg cantekk dlm RM8)
2) Socks, Mitten & Bootiesss, Baby Shoeesss
3) Baby Toiletriesss...(Sabun, Syampoo, Bedak, Toothpaste, Toothbruss mmg murah)
4) Detergent...
5) Baby Food (Kene tgk btol2 expiry date before purchasee..)
6) Others (Berus baby, BB Comforter set,.....)
7) Pamperss - hmmm..yg ni depend to sesiapa yg rasa worth to invest..dulu ktorng beli pek Economy, Basic & Dry 5..price start dari berbelass sen kot (x berapa ingat) sekeping..tapi for me..klu nk beli pon mebi ambil yg Dry 5 / Basic..pakai utk siang..sbb yg ekonomi tu sangatt laaa nipisss..and mebi to baby who have sensitive skin, agak x sesuaaiii..nnt ada rashes + kene beli ubat...dah x save kann,...lagipun bila nipis kekerapan utk menukar diapers ni tinggi, at the end of the day, lagi jimat guna diapers lain yg walaupun harganye RM0.40 / sekeping, tp boley tahan 4-5 jam..BUT for newborn, bagus beli yg murah jugak..sbb bb slalu "Poo Poo" and nak tak nak slalu jugak kene tuka,,,(So, terpulang pada pilihan masing2)....
But sekarang the system is improving...Dulu kene beratur berjam nk bayar, sekarang dgr cerita, kaunter dah bertambah...Me also thinking of going back there again...klu xde ape2 plan...bley beli baju basahan lagi for bb Chempaka..pegi nursery comey sket...eheheh....Soooo tips utk pegi this warehouse sale....
1) Datangggg Awall!!! (X sure whether this time dia bagi lagi ke tak masuk before 10 a.m..last time my hubby pegi, even awal, still kene tunggu smp pkl 10 a.m..huhu,..hanya Pureen kroni yg bley msk awal...)
2) JGN BAWAK BB / ANAK KECIL (pentingg!!jgn laa bawak stroller kt dlm tuh...tempat mmg sgt sempit..kesian kt bb, & kesian jugak to other customerr...kene lenyek kaki dgn stroller..)
3) Klu bley sediakan CHECKLIST awal2 before pegi (supaya xde yg tertinggal...nnt dekat sana mmg lost plak nk beli apa...orng ramai...)
4) Pakai ATTIRE yg sesuai & selesa (sluar , t-shirt + flat shoe..keadaaan panasss & sesak..)
5) Kene bertindak pantasss (xde time nk belek2 sana sini k...)
6) Anddd..toloongg jgn bersikap KIASU..orang lainnn pun nak bersopping jugaa..eheh
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~ 23 - 24 April 2011 ~ |
Cukup laaa smp di sini...this entry tips especially for viewers yg drop by from Shopping & Sales blog... Sooooo...enjoy soppingggg.........(maybe this time klu pegi Chempaka kene tinggal laaa ngan Opahnyeee..eheheh)
oh i likeeee. memang tak pernah miss pureen warehouse sale ni. cuma time pantang je tak pege. hehe. insya allah nak pege tgk2 gak. tp baju untuk abg hadif basahan tuk umur abg hadif dah tak banyak la kat sini. tp nak pege juga. hahaha.
tp mmg kan. kitaorg dulu pun smpi 930 camtu. mmg budget awal gile la kitaorg sampai. rupa2nya yg lain2 dah siap bayar n dah berangkut masuk dlm kereta lagi.
Dyna : huhu..tu laa pasal..nk amek bakul pon kene wat muke kesian kt depan kaunter....time pantang pon sy x g...Fahmi g sorang..time tu laa dia dh x bg msk kroni2 jer msk..dahlaa dtg awal plak time tu.. nyer.. Ema jugak yang xbole pegi.. miss all warehouse sales sejak duk JB ni.. menci menciiii...
Ema : Meh laaa sini..hhe..dulu dok sibuk g FJ BEnjamn (Guess) sale...laa nii..dh ada bb tuka laa plak..ahaksss
waa...thanx for d tips!
salam singgah..:-)
Hi Rose,
No problemooo...thanks 4 drop by..(^_^)
mak aii mmg menggila punya sales ni..hihi..bertuah chempaka, mummy borong banyak utk awak tu..hiks
Tuah Chempaka subjected to mummy nye "poket"..ahakssss
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