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previous post which I've mentioned want to write further on
Columbia Asia Hospital, Puchong right?? Ok....How do you choose where do you want to deliver????? During the earliest month of my pregnancy, this is the among the question that had been *wink wink* in my head..ehehe..
"Which hospital has the best facilities??"
"Are they expensive??"
"Can we afford it?? "
"Which are the best, government or private hospital??"
Mcm2 kan?? So, at first when we do not really know what to do & where to go so we just decided to went to the nearest medical center which is QHC Medical Center in Taipan, Subang. The gynae we used to see is Dr. Ng..(old chinese guy). What I can say about QHC??
Facilities : Minimal. Used the old fashion scan machine..Just normal bed in general ward. Don't think there is a private room for you if admitted. Can't expect much.
Location : Nearby our house at heart of USJ. But very hard to find a parking space especially during working hours.
Specialist : Has a quit number of qualified specialist including gynae, pedic, obstrecian & etc. Have heard that Datuk Dr. N.Suba also is 1 of the best.
Ambiance : Not very spacious but nicely decorated. But mostly we felt very crowded during our consultation visit. Normally we have to wait around 1-2 hours for just 15 minutes check-up even though appointment has been made.
Fees : For me its quit cost me RM150 - RM180 for each consultation + check-up session (charge for medication, consultation, urine test & normal scan facilities (2D).
Then, towards our searching, ask around what others recommendation, we shortlisted a few Hospitals that we have in mind to deliver :-

Sime Darby Medical Center - (Very well known on its proven & establish capabilities. Have well known gynae there i.e : Dr Delaila & Dr. Dato' Siti. But we cannot stand the long queue, parking problem & off course it the price at high side..eheh)2)
(private wing at PPUM....ambiance agak old fashion..tempat lama...affordable price..but quit far from our place and need to take a leave during check-up.)
3) KPJ - (at Shah Alam...the distance is acceptable for us..xtau sangat pasal KPJ ni..)
Columbia Asia - (at Puchong..this is the best that meet our requirement!!)
Why Columbia???? Off course the main reason it very nearby at our place. Around 10 minutes time driving. Then the facilities is new, cleanliness level is excellent and it very spacious as well...What my hubby like the best is very convenient to find a parking space..eheheh...sebab x crowded...The food at cafe's also yummy..(and mestilaa food masa admission pon sedaapp..)..the nurse is very friendly and helpful as well..
I remember masa kat dalam labor room, the midwife mmg rajin laa bagi tips2 nak BF and how to take care yourself during the confinement period. Tak ingat ape nama midwife tu..Then masa confinement pon dia ada call, tanya how's our condition then and is everything in good manner...eheh..
Before we decided to go to this Columbia, we also make a search on the gynae there and we found that a lot of people do recommend
Dr. Raja Juhaidah. So far we did not received any -ve comments about the Dr. Raja and we we decided to meet her on my 10 weeks pregnancy!!..and very
happy with the service given...We soooo impressed with the scan machine she's use...FYI, she will do a
3D scan every time we went for check up. We can hear the heartbeat clearly..See the baby moving in 3D form...really a precious moment for us...but of course sometime the image can't appear clearly because of the baby position during that time...Dr. Raja also is
very friendly and during my time we used to make appointment at night session, can't really remember whether its on Monday or my hubby pon ada chance to attend to the check-up session as well and take part in this pregnancy thing..ehehe...
During delivery at labor room, only husband or mother can be in.....and I'm glad my hubby is there wit me all the way until the precious moment of delivering my baby...and in fact he got the chance to cut the umbilical cord by himself!!..phewwww.....with Dr. Raja supervision..thanks Dr.!!.hmm...
~ @ Labor Room ~ |
~ Toiletries bag got upon check-in ~ |
Hmm..almost forgot the most important part...
THE COST!!..eheh...we think its affordable...for normal delivery I'm going through, stayed in single room (this room is limited, depend on the availability during your admission...)...2 days 1 night...including baby & nursery is about RM2,900.00...I think its quit cheap for standard of such private hospital compare to others such as SJMC & Sunway Medical Center...For anti-natal check-up the rate is below than RM 140 (for scanning, urine test & medication)..the best thing is..alwizzzz include discount!!..hahaha...
Think that's all for now..macam dah banyak membebel...eheheh....only have pic in labor room in hand...sorryyy resources...eheheh..