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~ Tido on d way to JB ~ |
Hahaha..Bye to Maxi Cosi....its time for Mr Zapp to be on board....hehe...bukan apa...Chempaka dah besar and we decided to try on the Quinny Zapp semalam...eheh...so instead of heading home after fetch her from her nursery, we went to SUMMIT (out of sudden..tetiba ibu teringin makan Udang Penyet!!..eheh)..Chempaka was in the Maxi Cosi since her 1 week old...no complaint at all!!...look like she's very comfortable in it....eheh..even masa dalam kereta on our long journey (paling jauh to JB & Kota Tinggi), she's do not give a fuss and happily seating in the Maxi Cosi...cuma after a few hours (bila dia dah start pandai nak main), of course bila dia dah penat dia mintak nak bangun..tapi lepas pegang & main2 sekejap, she'll sleep back in the seat...ehhehe...
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~ Techikknye masa ni..x tau wat apa pon..eheh ~ |
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~ @ Ole Ole Bali Empire ~ |
Ada 1 time, tertinggal stroller nye frame dlm kete my hubby and time tu plak cuti (x ingat sebab apa)..since my MIL was around, we decided to went to Mydin...and we have to just put her in the hypermarket trolley like this..ahahha..(idea Aunty Awyn!!)
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~ Relax yer sayangg...hehe ~ |
But just recently, we notice that she's getting bigger and makin lasak in the Maxi Cosi stroller when we take her out..."Rasa2 macam dah boleh duduk dalam Zapp nih"...since she's already can sit up with support and her backbone pon dah kuat...and after yesterday..............
She's fit in well!!! and actually looks like she's enjoying her new view!!!..hehehe....sekarang dah boleh tengok depan and banyak bende sangat dia nak tengok...look like her very excited semalam..eehhe...even we manage to eat and jalan2 pegi Babyland sekejap without any ready milk for her semalam...ahakssss...memang nervous jugak since we never went out before without our travel kit (milk, feeding bottle, thermos..) ..pheww...luckily we can distract her with the Baby Bite..maybe makan Baby Bite + air suam sket dia dah alas perut....ehehhehhe.........
For us overall, its really worth buying of this stroller Maxi Cosi Cabrio Infant Car Seat+ Quinny Zapp as we found it veeerrrryyyy convenient and practical to us and Chempaka also look reallyyyyy comfortable in in..ehehe..
1) Very Light....
2) Easy to assemble...
3) The Maxi Cosi carrier also can easily be take out...senang nak naik escalator at sopping mall..(without waking up the baby)
4) Ideal for travelling, foldable (senang simpan + ringan)
5) Lovee the design...
6) Comfortable...
7) Easy to Clean...
Just 1 disadvantage of my Quinny Zapp..huhuu..x bley recline..!!...so for those who interested to get this stroller, beli laa Quinny Zapp X-tra...an improvement of Quinny Zapp..boleeeyy reclinee...baby can sleep happily...hehehhe

waaaa, bestnya. memang berminat betul ngan maxi cosi ni dulu. tp end up kitaorg beli asing2 car seat and stroller. alasan kitaorg sbb nak bagi hadif pakai smpi 5 thn. ahahaha. angan2 je. skang ni nak dok dlm stroller pun tanak dah. car seat pula ikut mood dia.
hmm..tu laa kan...setakat ni ok lagi laa dia dok dlm car seat..sok2 dh dapat kaki, x tau laa nk dok lg ke x dlm tu yer..hehe
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