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~ From Mama Liza ~ |
Really2 bz today....almaklumlaa...just come back to the office today..So, hari ni just nak reply tag from Mama Liza...
These what I have answered....
A Yes
B No
2. How do you mostly decide on what dishes to cook everyday? A I have dishes/ recipes that I just rotate every week or month
B decide based on what I already have in the fridge/ kitchen on that day
C decide by asking my family what they want to eat everyday
3. What do you always stock in your fridge or in your kitchen – this refers to items you must have and will definitely buy/ restock if you run out of it? (Raw/ Fresh Ingredients)
A Chicken
B Fish
C Prawns (fresh) - depend on mood..ehehe
D Beef (Daging)
E Sausages
F Fishballs / fish cake
G Taufu (Beancurd)
H Eggs
4. What do you always stock in your fridge or in your kitchen – this refers to items you must have and will definitely buy/ restock if you run out of it? (Dry Ingredients)
A Chilies – Dry or freshB Onions – Big or Small
C Garlic
D Ginger
E Tumeric (Kunyit)
F Belacan
G Mushroom (Any type)
H Dry Shrimp (Udang Kering)
I Ikan Bilis
5. What do you always stock in your fridge or in your kitchen – this refers to items you must have and will definitely buy/ restock if you run out of it? (Vegetables)
A CarrotB Tomatoes
C Cucumber
D Potatoes
E Cabbage (Kobis)
F Cauliflower (Bunga kobis)
G Mustard (Sawi)
H Celery (Daun celery)
I Salted Vegetables
6. What do you always stock in your fridge or in your kitchen – this refers to items you must have and will definitely buy/ restock if you run out of it? (Other Ingredients)
A Lemongrass (Serai)
B Curry leaves (Daun kari)
C Pandan leaves (Daun pandan)
D Asam Jawa (fresh or paste)
E Coconut Milk
F Tempoyak
G Budu
H Fermented beancurd (Taucu)
I Mayonnaise
7. Do you make chili paste yourself at home? This refers to chili (maybe with onion/ garlic etc.) that you blend or pound yourself, and then store in a container in the fridge – to use whenever you need to cook.
A Yes
B No
8. How often do you make this chili paste?
A Almost everyday
B 3 - 4 times a week
C 1 – 2 times a week
D Once in 2 weeks
E Once in 3 weeks
F Once a month
G Less often than once a month
H I do not make chili paste myself at home
DONE!! If you get the same email like this, what would you answer? Share with me!!
I would like to tag my beloved bloggers and friends to participate in this survey. Lets start with
Ok Liza...settleee dah menjawab k...agak2 ada hadiah fridge magnet ker utk tukang menjawab??? eheheheheh
TQ. FM? Alamak, next time insyaAllah..
erk...ni mcm email dr nestle.sebijik laa...heheee.br je jwb n submit kt nestle....
Nanie : mmg email dr nestle pon...my friend Liza yg upload this surney to her blog..
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