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~ Pic pembuka bicara (chewah!)..in her early days ~ |
Officially Chempaka weaned from her Pacifier @ 2 1/2 yo (exact date x berape nk hengat)..At first mmg risau macam mana kalau we failed wean her-off from the pacifier,,time tu terbayang my lil Chempaka, rambut curly2 ikat 2..pakai uniform tadika yg cute..tp pakai pacifier!! Zuuppppp....jatuhhh sahammm...huhu..
So, then we decided that we MUST try to wean her-off...Masa tu, as we remember, dia still stay at nursery..so normally dia dengan pacifier tu after we fetched her from the nursery..naik kereta jer, for sure dia mintak ktorng her pacifier..bukan x pernah cakap "x bawak or xde or xtau letak mana" tapi for sure dia tau kat mana ktong simpan pacifier dia..biasanya dalam poket misteri dlm nursery bag dia..huhuhu..cuma dia bukan jenis yang 24/7 pacifier lekat kt mulut..ada cuma sekejap2..tp sure nk ada di pandangan matanyerr..eheh..so we thought dis might be easier...
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~ Masa baby2 ni cumil jer mulut sumbat dengan pacifier..if skrg??? Could not imagine..eheh ~ |
Buat malam permulaan, me & hubs try to put some salt on the pacifier..Why Salt??!! hahahahah...funny eh..sbb ramai advice esp the org2 tua letak bende2 pahit or rasa pelik..as sireh, gambir or etc..manaaalaa rumah Makcik Minah adoo semua tu..so fastest solution untuk menimbulkan rasa kurang sedap adalah garam..hahah...then at night bila nk tidur, as usual she source for her pacifier,,weolss ngn saspens waiting for her reaction when she put the pacifier inside her mouth..dengan harapan dia cakap "Tak Cedap" and buang terus the pacifier..TAPIIIII...harapan tinggal harapan..dengan muka selamber jer dia Ngappp and seperti tiada apa2 berlaku..Danggggg..FAILEDD...!!
Then few nights after that, ktorng saja2 test slow talk dengan dia..just cakap.."Eiiii..utinggg usyuuklaaa (puting busukklaa)..xmo hisap k" then dia plak macam menyetujui jer during that time..so cepat2 weolss sorok..so pengembaraan tanpa pacifier start for the 1st night..Jeng jeng jeng..ada jugak dia hint2 mintak but then we just consistently ckp bende yang sama "Uting Ucuk"..1st night rengek2 about 15-30 mins kot..pastu berjaya tido..
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~ Masa tidur yg indah..throwback namanye ~ |
The next day & following night bende yang sama..bila dia hint2 nk pacifier, ulang lagi bende yang sama..cuma duration untuk rengekan akan berkurangan dari hari2 sebelumnye..cukup 3 hari dia dah tau dah..dh x cari sangat dah,,,BERJAYA!!..yeay!..Kesimpulannya :-
1) Kene Konsistent
2) Cekal hati..jangan mudah kalah dengan rengekan anak
3) Buang rasa kesian tgk anak
4) JANGAN GIVE-UP (paling penting)
5) Kreatif..(hihi..kene try & error beberapa method..tapi Mak ni x pongg..)
6) Rasanya kene start awal..lagi lama kita tunggu untuk weaning lg susah (ni ikot advice doctor lerr)
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~ Dah besar sket ni..probably 6-7 months ~ |
Tp afterall, my point of view is Allah has made it easy for us..Alhamdulillah..sebabnye nasib baik dia x merengek2 yang extreme, gulung2 atas lantai + meraung..klu ini terjadi, rasanya 99% weolss angkat tangan..huhuhu
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~ Dalam kenangan..pacifier pun smp Aussie tau..~ |
Notes : Writing this post and look back on the older pictures, makes me realize how times flies sooo fast!! Chempaka is big gurl and a kakakss to Emir now..a bit bossy, cheeky & caring kakak if I could describe her..kind miss her baby time though..
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~ Our 2 lil angel..luv u much! ~ |
As Emir, learn from our mistake & sebab dah ada experience, manage tak pakai pacifier untuk dia!! Yeayy!! Cabaran tetap ada, as masa dia umur 2-3 months, time dia banyak menyusu and kind of macam asek nk ngempeng..the attempt of giving him the pacifier also have cross our mind but cecepat REJECT the idea and bertahan!! Just nurse him whenever he wants! Alhamdulillah, dia pon nampak pandai to sooth himself by hisap jari..mujur habit hisap jari pon x lekat..coz everytime dia masukkan jari dalam mulut, if we are around, we just tarik jari dia keluar..xmo bg dia carried away by the habit...
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~Step by step to take-off my mittens and ngappp my tiny precious finger~ |
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~ Close-up view..in action ~ |
my 3rd hero pun dok sakan dgn pacifier. dulu abg2 dia sama gak habit camni. tapi sebab after 6 years baru dapat baby baru now i dah lupa how to get rid off it. phew
Lily Lotus..hahaha...tp as long dh ade experience sure bley handle nye..sometime diorng sendiri yang lama2 xmo kan?
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