All of the items is very useful to us dan sangat2laa berjasa...Most of it we prepared before bersalin so that tidaklaaaa kelammsss semasa confinement...
1. Baby Cot
Both my children, I trained them since newborn to sleep in the that they will get use to it. Its for their own safety especially when you have a toddler n infant sleeping together with you in 1 room. Mmg agak penat when you need to wake-up during midnight to bf / feed them but for me its managable..('s not that bad...jujurr..x tipu..hehe).. Yang penting keselamatan n keselesaan anak2..from my reading, it's important to start to trained them early if u planned to use a babycot..if not, they will refuse n end up the bbcot jadi tmpat letak barang or ternak habuk..ehehe
Ours..we just get the basic 1 from IKEA..but we fully utilized it since Chempaka..tahan jer hokey.. |
2. Baby Carrier n Stroller
Berguna utk bawak baby ulang alik ke hospital for check up..that's why ianya agak berguna & penting to prepare before bersalin..(that's from our thoughts)..Even when transport them around we just put the baby in the carrier as a carseat so that baby & mum (sayalaa tu) will be more relax..I actually do not prefer mengriba (eheh..ada ke perkataan ni) my baby dlm kereta especially for long journey atas faktor2 3K (keselamatan & keselesan & kepenatan.. ;p) this bb carrier is just fit our needs prefectly.
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Maxi Cosi Cabriofix + Quinny Zapp |
Babies in Carrier cum Baby Carseat (Emir on left) |
We also have this baby carrier, soft structure..Mothercare's 2in1 Position Carrier.. Since I have 1 3yo toddler we used to wear this baby carrier whenever we shop around..My 3 yo toddler a.k.a Chempaka sat in the stroller for ease manage...klu x, x larat kami mengejar nyer...Quit usefull as I could walk with my handsfree while carrying my baby..the only thing is this carrier could only fit untill 12kg baby (approx 1yo)...
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Mothercare's 2in1 Position Carrier |
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Carrying Emir sambil teman my hubby & Chempaka flying a kite |
3. Baby Bouncer and Rocker
This is highly recommended to all new parents to invest in...we have both bouncer & rockers (ours are Fisher Price). Bouncers are more recommended to newborn as it smaller from rocker but the FP's rocker could fit from newborn and could convert into rocking chair for toddler...I could say that I used the bouncer / rocker most of the time for baby naptime and to comfort them as well...Other than playpen, I feel more safe to leave my baby for a while on the rocker while a get some of the house-chores done as I could put the rocker nearby me..i.e while I'm cooking..and FYI, kami mengangkut sekali rocker ni whenever kami balik kampung (risau budak x boleh tido..hihi...wajar x?)
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Fisher Price Cover & Play Bouncer |
Chempaka in Bouncer..couldn't remember how kompem below 4 months |
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Fisher Price Newborn to Toddler Rocker |
Emir in Rocker @ 2 months |
4. Breastpump
Having experience both failing & succeed (still on-going journey) in BF..I could not deny the importance to get the breastpump upfront before we deliver....For me, I started to use them since in my confinement period..during my early week just to reduce engorgement and I think starting 3rd / 4th week, I started to collect my EBM stocks..Alhamdulillah Allah made it easy for me on my 2nd one.. and since Emir was born, I think this gadget have become my this is the thing I cannot missed to carry wherever I go.. :)
My bf besties.. ;p |
5. Baby Bathtub
I think this is standard thing all new parent will buy..the objective are all same and clear..and dun think I need to elaborate much..For this we just bought a regular bath tub..xmo membazir sgt spending on this kind of thing..
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Not ours..gambar hiasan |
6. Walker
Know that some pedic does not recommend walker (through my reading previously), as they could affect baby learning development..(katanyaa.) but for us, think it quit useful though.. Chempaka & Emir also looks happy in it..senang bergerak dari hulu ke hilir..eheh...and from my point of view, its just 1 medium they used to entertain themselves...x larat asyik nak gendong diorng sbb merengek nak ikot kesana sini...huhuhu..sengal urat pinggang mak...! :D
Emir on walker @ 6 months |
7. Carseat
Lastly on my list which I could remember now (mungkin akan bertambah namanyee..) is Carseat..for safety reason of course!!..And easy manage the kids in the car..Lagipun for long distance journey, the kids & baby lebih relax and boleh tidur dengan lebih aman..
Chempaka enjoying her ride |
Emir also have his own carseat |
Kitorang trained Hana dari lahir tidur cot, lepas tu masa dia 6bln gi Paris, 20 hari tidur sekatil, balik Msia tak nak tidur dalam cot dah. huwaaaaaa..
Welcome to babywearing beb! :) My suggestion kalau korang betul2 minat, investlah dgn Ergo or Boba. Aku sampai sekrg masih guna ergo sebab its up to 20kg. Berbaloi2.. :))
Hazz..Pssttt..aku tengah usha Boba ni..Dangg!! Kat Paris murah x from Msia? ehehehehe
Tak pernah nampak Boba kat sini lagi beb. Sini 'perkauman' sikit aku rasa. Barang dari US memang susah nak jumpa. Hahaha.. Tapi dealer kat Msia tak ramai, lebih kurang jer rasanya. Aku beli Ergo dulu kat TinyTapir. Jointlah babywearing Mamas kat FB, banyak info. ;)
Ok Beb!! Thanks! Aku join group MBW (Malaysian Babywearers)..nnt ku usha group tu plak...actually aku seprais gile that babywearing pn ada group / community trsendiri/...bravo!
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