At first when she told me that she want to wear earrings, I quit dalam hati berkata-kata "Haa..ada chance ni pegi tindik..ngeheheh"...So I just pancing her again.."Btol ke Chempaka nk pakai "cantek" kt telinga? Nanti kite pegi pakai "cantek"k!!" Cantek is referring to the earring...Seminggu jugak I repeat the same question to her..just to be confirm that she really2 want it..And the answer is remain consistent..NAKKK....It's just because she always see me wearing my dangling earrings and then she just ask me if she can wear it too..eheh...So, since the chance is there sebab dia tengah ok, she requested by herself..tanpa berlengah2 lagi we went to jewelery shop to pierce her ear.
Actually, dulu2 pernah jugak dengar from someone (tp x ingat siapa n dimana tempat kejadian) that its better to get the piercing earlier since baby sebab cepat x sampai hati laa pulak time tu..
We went to Tomei Setia City Mall, Setia Alam as co-incidencely we have to went somewhere nearby it. Dalam hati memang risau macam mana kalau lepas tindik telinga sebelah, sebelah lagi plak dia tak mau sebab redah jugak laa kan...But to our surprised, rupa2nye diorng tindik telinga dua-dua belah serentak knowing that she still a kid..Phewwww..legaaa!! Dunno if other jewelery shop practice the same method or not but for Tomei Setia City Mall definitely do..!! And the "lenglui2" yg pierce telinga Chempaka tu pon seems dah biasa handle kids..diorang gentle and pandai pujuk...dapatlaa si Cik Mek tu belon as upah..
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Kids Piercing / Tindik Telinga Kanak2 @ Tomei Setia City Mall |
Muka mula2 before tindik agak excited as she could not expect what it feels or how it will be done..ehehe...lepas tembak, of course nanges sket bukan sebab sakit to more to tergezutttt...So to parents yang nak tindik your daughter, siap2la practice kata2 manis untuk memujuk your princess so that she will calm and xde hati nk bukak the earrings.
Some tips that I could share :-
1) Right after dia tindik tu upahler sesuatu..sebagai appreciation atas keberanian dia...ehehe..budak kecik kott..yg penting nk bagi dia calm after tu..ehehe..(weolss upah eskem Mcd..tu pon dia dh sgt happy)
2) Selalu puji yang telinga anak anda itu sangat cantik "Wahh kakak macam princess laaa..cantiknye telinga..kakak xmo bukak k"..and resultnye, anak anda akan perasan dia tu cantik..wakakaka!
3) After tindik, letak minyak gamat supaya subang tu x melekat n nnt menjadikan luka lambat baek, n worst menanah..Tp Alhamdulillah, telinga Chempaka 2 hari jer seems mcm dh ok..
4) After 1 week ke, dh boleh tukar ke Subang Emas/gold earrings..takut lama2 subang yg asal tu nnt melekat kat telinga.
5) Yang penting, sebab kite tindik budak, rasanya baik pegi ke jewelery shop yang bertauliah..huhu..takut pegi booth yg kecik2 ni x pandai plak handle budak.
Sekian.... :)