Kemaruk dapat Lappy ke hape ni...sgt produktif..n dah masuk post ke-3 untuk pagi ni..ehhehe..xpe laa labuuu..happy sebab Chempaka x bgn2 tgh malam tadi...penat sangat main laatuu..ehehe
Ape lagi news yang akan menghappy kan setiap parents klu bukan ur lil ones achieved a new milestone in their development kan.kan..kan..heheh..and me, as a Ibu..sangat laa happy bile Chempaka dah....
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~ dh berdiri dengan agak confident laa ibu ~ |
Yepppp..dia dah berani untul stand alone sendirii...happynyee kami...(sape yg x happy kn)..eheh..kita just cakap kat dia "Up..Up..Up.." dia akan squat down and bangunn..pastu tepuk tangan sendirii..(Cett..bab ni x menahan..tapi xpe..motivaton utk diri sendiri kn sayang ibu..ehe)..and guess what..semalam opahnye cerita (dia kene tinggal sekejap dengan opahnye while ibu and abah dating jap..eehhe)..dia dah amek her first 5 step!!! Waahhh...poor that we missed that moment..tapi xpee..kami tetap dapat tgk ker taking her 1st step before tu..ehehe..2 langkah..!! happy sangat ni...hopefully time raya Chempaka dh jalan yer sayang...tapi ibu x nak pressure Chemp yer..take ur own sweet time to master those walking skill yer..;p
Some notes from Babycenter Click Sini (sumber rujukan utama ibu) on this walking milestone..ape ROLE kita sebagai parent when our lil one achieved this milestone....
Your role
As your baby learns to pull himself up to a standing position, he may need some help figuring out how to get back down again. If he gets stuck and cries for you, don't just pick him up and plop him down. Show him how to bend his knees so he can sit down without toppling over, and let him give it a try himself.
You can encourage your baby to walk by
1) Standing or kneeling in front of him and holding out your hands
3) Or he'll probably also enjoy a toddle truck or push toy that he can hold on to as he walks.
4) You can also hold off on introducing shoes until your baby is walking around outside or on rough or cold surfaces regularly. Going barefoot helps improve balance and coordination.
When to be concerned
Don't fret if your child is simply taking his time, but if your child seems to be lagging behind significantly, bring it up with his doctor. Keep in mind that babies have different timetables, and premature babies may reach this and other milestones later than their peers. Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. Don't worry if your child takes a little longer, though. Many perfectly normal children don't walk until they're 16 or 17 months old.
Congrats Cempaka!!!
Hehe..thanks auntie dia malehh laa nk practice...huhu
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