Baby Car Seat..perlu ker?? ada ramai tak parents yang tertanya2 sama ada perlu ke x car seat ni? Tetapi sekarang ni ramai jugak parents yang memang memandang car seat ni 1 keperluan.apatah lagi bagi working parents...Bila daddy n mummy mempunyai hala tuju yang berbeza, pergi kerje naik kereta berasingan, masa ni memang car seat 1 keperluan..bagi parents yang nk hantar baby ker nursery..tapi bagi orang macam saya yang pergi balik kerje beromantika berdua (ecehhh...) kami memang rasa xde urgency untuk pakai car seat ni pada mulanye...
Since Chempaka 1 week old, kami memang dh letak dia dlm infant car seat (Maxi-Cosi CabrioFix) klu travel kemana2..Tapi lepas dia dah pandai "terjun" dari maxi-cosi n since kaki dh terlebih panjang (ahaks)..kitorang mmg just pangku dia jer kt passenger seat..(macam mak2 dulu)..then lepas rasa x bley handle dia kt depan, ktorng letak tilam kt seat belakang n sy akan duduk dgn dia kt belakang while abahnye drive..dlm masa2 terdesak sahaja (bila me or hubby have to drive alone w/out each other companion) barulaa kami guna kan car seat...
Sebab2 kami ragu2 nak beli car seat :-
- Nak ke Chempaka duduk dalam car seat tu?? Takut dah beli xmo duduk, buat abehh borehhh jer..
- Berapa lama jer dia nak duduk dalam car seat lagi? X lama lagi sure dah boley duduk sendiri..huhu
- Mungkin car seat ni perlu klu me or hubby kene drive sendiri2 jer kot..
- Car Seat tu mcm tegak jer..selesa ke klu untuk long journey..dia bley tdo ke..(walaupn dh recline)
Tapi lepas beberapa lama pikir and concern dengan safety Chempaka bila travel..(since dia melompat ke sana sini..n sibuk nk tekan button sana sini), kami akhirnye convince utk beli 1 car seatt!! (syabasss to us!!.hahah) N lepas ada car seat ni memang
kami amat berpuas hati and rasa
sangat convenience + lebih selamat masa kitorng travel kemana2)..Chempaka pon nampaknye
memang selesa duduk kt dalam car seat tu..x banyak komplen since 1st time kitorng letak dia kt dalam car seat..mummy pon lebey selesa sekarang duduk kt front passenger seat sambil meneman abah drive...(beromantika kembali...eheh) yeayyyy!!
~ Ni laa gaya bebas si kenit tanpa car seat (abaikan sedikit kesexian) ~ |
~ dh duduk..bley tgk view!! ~ |
Jenis2 Car Seat yang ada di pasaran
- Baby (or infant-only) car seats: These should always face the rear of the car. They have a weight limit of between 22 and 35 pounds. When your baby reaches the weight or height limits for his infant seat, move him to a rear-facing convertible car seat.
- Convertible (or infant-toddler) car seats: These function as both rear-facing seats for babies and toddlers and forward-facing seats for older children. Many new ones are designed to hold a child of up to 40 pounds rear-facing and up to 70 pounds forward-facing. It's safest to leave your child rear-facing as long as possible – in fact, the latest guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) say to keep your child in a rear-facing car seat until the age of 2, or until he reaches the seat's maximum rear-facing height and weight limits.
- Belt-positioning booster seats: These seats are for kids who are at least 4 and weigh at least 40 pounds. They use the regular car lap and shoulder belts to secure the child. Backless boosters are fine when used with an automobile seat that provides head support.
Perkara2 Yang Perlu Di Lihat Semasa Membeli Infant-Toddler Car Seat
Easy installation: Make sure car seat senang di pasang..klu terlalu complicated, gamaknye memang susah la nk fix kat kereta..klu x fix properly, it may not 100% secured your child safety.
Adequate restraints: If you're buying a convertible seat to use from day one, look for a car seat with a five-point safety harness. The straps – one for each shoulder, one for each thigh, and one between your baby's legs – are safer for an infant than the old plastic shields or T-bar restraints.
(Note: For safety reasons, using any kind of used car seat isn't recommended.)
Belt adjustments: Avoid car seats that require you to adjust the buckle from the back of the seat. The better car seats allow you to make
adjustments from the front and have raised belt slots for ease of use. A few models even adjust automatically.
Anchors and tethers: The Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children, is designed to make installation of a car seat easier by attaching the seat directly to the vehicle instead of securing it with the seat belt.
Washability: Babies and messes go hand in hand. But some manufacturers ignore this universal truth, and a surprising number of car seats come with pad covers that you can't take off.
Be smart: Buy one with a detachable machine-washable cover.
Comfort: Your baby will enjoy a more comfortable ride if you buy a well-padded seat with plenty of head and back support. Just
make sure he can move his arms freely and check out the view.
Source : Click Here