The Phenomenal Event ~ BBW |
BIG BAD WOLF! (BBW)...Padan sungguh dengan namanyee, memang banyak orang yang akan transform jadi
Bad Wold during this event...Selepas beberapa kali penganjurannya di MIECC, this is the 1st time me & hubs pergi membuat lawatan tapak....Tahun lepas memang banyak tengok our circle of friends hupload pic @ facebook hupdate on betapa best & murahnyee buku2 di sini..tapi idokler kitorng pegi sbb xtau ia adalah
~ Offered price as per BBW's official website - general fiction - RM50 jadi RM8..sape x nangesss oiii! ~ |
This year bile my hubs forward me the link of the
BBW's website (Kat Sini), n bile kite scrolllll je nampak price2 yang di slash2 kan dan appear plak price baru yang
70%-95% discounts, terus mak jadi x keruannn!!...huhuuhu...tengok plak list of books adalah
buku2 yg up to date, bukan stock buku lama yg page dalamnye dah kuning2 and tulisan italic senget ala2 buku zaman kolonial..menyebabkan mmg bertekad untuk chekidout betapa hebatnye event yang menjadi sebutan ramai ini...btol ke as its tagline
~ 0.001% buku yang available @ kids section ! |
Most of people say the perfect time to go is about 3.00-4.00 A.M, sebab time ni kurang bersesak dengan orang (yepp..its A.M) tapi timing nye memanglaa sangat x perfect untuk weols yg beranak kecik..My hubs put a planned that we will go on Saturday morning @ 14.12.2013 and depart from home around 6.00a.m..reach there 6.30 a.m or latest before 7.00 a.m. Plan memula nak pergi dating ber2, but at the end, korng angkut jugak semua..kesian plak tengok diorg kene tinggal..luckily managed to get there before 7.00 a.m, to be precise 6.45a.m.. my hubs agak confident that orang masih x ramai, hall maybe agak sunyi...tapi surprisingly, kete memang dah banyak berpusu2 masuk ke parking and yang dah parking static pon banyak juge...Hambboiihh...wolfie2 ni semua x tidoqqq kaa?!
~ Approaching the parking gate...Parking rate rm3 hengget klu x silap ~ |
As we enter to the hall, orang kat dalam memang dah ramai..muka masing2 x keruan tengok buku2 yang banyak sekali depan mata..Huhuhu..But as the hall is VERY BIG n LUAS, jadi rasa x cramp sangat tempat tu, agak selesa I could say as the air-conditioning works prefectly..and untuk yang bawak stroller, at that particular time, for me its ok lagi...could say quit comfortable as ada ruang yang cukup luas...Buku2 dah disusun and dilabel according to its genre, (general fiction, cookery, biography, graphic, architecture, kids,etc) make it easier for us to find any books according to our preference. Me definitely heading to general fiction section, while hubby maybe searching around for golf, travelling or photography books and we end-up meeting at kids section searching books together for lil one.
~ Pose upon entrance..nampak x nampak x manoosiaa2 iteew? Bear in mind this is around 6.50a.m ~ |
~ Berkilo-kilo bukusss..yumsss ~ |
~ For golfers ~ |
As conclusion all I could say bout BBW, is CHEAP, UNBELIEVABLE, LOTS OF BOOKS, REALLY WORTH TO GO, COULD NOT MISS IT! (pahammmm kann apa maksudnye..sangat besttt ler tuh!)..This is the best deal so far we encountered, memang mana2 sale x boleh beat laa price kat sini!! Definitely will transform to wolfie again next yearr...!!
~ Antara our catch for kids.. ~ |
~ 1st timer catch..seb baek undercontrol..anak2 yang start meragam sebagai penyelamay..ehehe~ |
~ Happy faces ~ |
~Click2 before balik..alaaaa..sian my hubby x nampak wajahnyee di sini..huhu ~ |
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