Last Saturday we've joined a 1.5km Charity Fun Walk which was held at Taman Wetlands, Putrajaya organized by my Hubby's company division. As Mr. Hubby is part of the organizing team, we reached at Taman Wetlands quit early, 7.00 a.m (in fact, peserta no.1 sampai.. :D)..It's our 1st experience involve in this kind of activity..ber2 with my hubs pon x penah, inikan pulak with all the kids..before this ada jugak our friends invite us to join like Terry Fox Run laa..ape run / walking event...mmg x termasuk dalam carta..hihi..skali ni my hubs kene jd part of the organizing team, kami pon join a support..lagipun since x pernah jejak kt Wetlands tu sooo we think why not..
~ Taman Wetlands Entrance ~ |
~ Assembly Point ~ |
Masuk2 dalam Wetlands, rasa sangat nyamann...1) sebab masih pagi..2)Of course, sbb dikelilingi pokok2 yang hijau..!! We passed by the menara tinjau (macam cantik je..macam menarik je)..and straight away to our event assembly point for registration..rugi plak rasa x snap gamba menara tinjau tu, if not could share with u guys...
~ My Husband registering us ~ |
Fee for this Charity Fun Walk is RM20.00 / head and it will be donated to the
Persatuan Sokongan Ibu Dan Anak Kurang Upaya Azwar (PSIAKU AZWAR)..(if I'm not mistaken, based on the bunting at the Registration Counter)..and we received a really nice goodies / tote bag which contain an apple, sandwich, mineral bottle & handkerchief.
As for Chempaka, she's really enjoying herself..sbb it's not just a Walk..Walk..Walk...then bye2..there's also a balloon clown, people in costume (since it's theme is "Fun", the costume really cheer-up the event!), coloring station, etc. Funny thing is, when she saw this lady wearing a SuperMak costume, dia pon sama nk mintak sayap tebang kt belakang baju dia..huhuhu..
~ SuperGurl for her version ~ |
| |
~ Balloon's Clown which she afraid of..sungguh x macho ~ |
~ Superheroes in action! ~ |
FYI, this is my 1st time bbwearing Emir for such event..wearing SOHO Boba 3G..Emir seems sooo comfy in it..
~ In SOHO Boba..muke yg sangat kelatss sbb kene bgn pagi..~ |
~ Muke happy lepas mamam biskut 2 keping ~ |
We start Flag-Of at 9.00 a.m and there we goes for 1.5km walk..Actually there is 2 options..u may choose 3km walk or 1.5km..but OF COURSE..kami pilih jalan yang pendek...x dapat bayangkan if we take a longer path..sure ktorng yg pengsan..anak2 steady je (sbb kene dokong)..huhu...But I could say that wearing my Boba its just really convenient..and xde rs berat sgt pon..(chewwah)..Emir tahap comfy dia adalah sepanjang 1.5km + another 15min before flag off for the warming up session, dia dh ZzzzZZzzzZzzzz...huhuuhu..
~ Lets walk n enjoy the green environment..soo refreshing! ~ |
~ Go Chempaka Go ! ~ |
By the end of the walk we pass through the FLAMINGO POND..Chempaka sangat happy to see all those flamingo..interesting..
~ Posing secara senget @ Flamingo Pond ~ |
~ All of us..(gambar agak gelap) tgk Emir tido dgn jayanya! ~ |
~ To Look-Out Tower ~ |
After reaching finishing line we just hang around for a while for coloring before we heading back home..Wetlands tempat agak menarik untuk beriadah, we saw some other people were cycling, but we do not explore further what else interesting point here..maybe next time..After all, we just want to got back home as early as we can, before bebudak mengamuk (just like timing bomb! hehe)..Luckily the weather is Superb on that day!..
~ Us @ Finishing Line..Bravo Emir & Chempaka!! Gud job! ~ |
~ Color mencolor before balik..yang ni good job Mr husband..pandai kaler.. ;p ~ |
Emir bpe berat dia skrg? nmpk cm best je dia dlm boba tu :)
Emir baru 9kg ler Dyll..agak kecikss klu ikot paed so far I mmg ske kot pakai Boba tu..klu u nk try bley le I bg I nye 3G..
Seronoknya Chem.. Best arr dapat beriadah macam ni. Boba cantik sebab colorful. :)
Kaann?? Sebenarnye tergode pon sbb cumil (x aci lngsg..eheh)
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